Friday 22nd May 2020 ROCCO Research publishes “The Innovators” report 2020.
“Nothing changes if nothing changes!”
The Innovators started out for us as a niche report where Mobile Operators were asking us to understand which vendors were making a big difference to our industry. But in 2020 looking around us, we’re in a Black Swan scenario and the need to adapt and innovate is something vital to the new normal world we are facing for all Vendors, so the response to this specific research project has been broader than usual. All Roaming and Interconnect vendors are brainstorming these days, while boardrooms are virtual, we all face the reality of a crisis in our industry. The companies ready to innovate will be the ones most likely who will survive the journey.
About this Research Project and Report
Over the last 7 years ROCCO has had a simple goal, to study where we are today within the Roaming and Interconnect Industry and to try and support its future development. As the MNO and Vendor communities know too well, technology is developing at an incredible pace (5G, IoT, eSIM) and yet still some of the ways which we deliver these technologies are extremely costly, inefficient and even harmful to the future success of the telecoms industry.
Vendors who create efficiencies, optimise processes and seek evolutionary solutions to some of these challenges need to be encouraged. Help us to uncover who these companies are. In this research project we asked MNOs to rate Vendors on 18 KPI measures of Innovation.
In this years report, while over 150 Vendors were listed MNOs only spoke about 61 and only the top 50 appear in our report. To measure the progress of the vendors we also invented a new way to show the results. It’s called the Innovation Hive.
The Innovation Hive shows vendors which level of Innovation they are perceived to be good at by drilling down into the actions they are taking. In the Innovation Hive we can see an overall score but also also attribute scores where Vendors in the top 50 can see if they are considered to be “Visionaries” or “Collaborators”, “Challengers or Inventors”. Its a quick and easy way to view their position against their competitors. It’s also great at indicating where they need to invest in the case that the they don’t score high in innovations they want to make. For example if a vendor wants to be “transformational” in their innovation they will need to invest in R&D more heavily and having truly original ideas
The main point as we have indicated at our presentations during our Genesis event is that
All Vendors talk about their Innovations but how do you measure what kind of Innovation they are really doing?
Apart from the ranking and Hives for all 50 vendors we can also see some great ideas as presented by MNO’s. MNO’s were asked for their opinion on what innovations they would like to see and many gave them.
This report is available to own by simply following the link below to find out more. It’s also free with certain report bundles we offer. Follow this link to learn about our bundles. MNOs who took part in the research will shortly receive a free Executive Summary report explaining all he highlights from the report. Many thanks for supporting ROCCO Research.