This Strategic Analysis Report contains 100 Pages of Market Intelligence into 5 leading vendors in the market.

The Strategic Analysis Version of the report contains:

140+ Pages of data related to Data and Financial Clearing views from 5 Vendors
Simple to view infographics which explain and contrast the opinions of Vendors


The Executive Summary: The Authors of this Report, Executive Summary, Overview, What is Data and Financial Clearing?, The Future of Data and Financial Clearing, How should Financial Clearing Evolve in an LTE World

Vendors: Overview, Their International Presence, Ownership Structure, Top Product Offerings, Primary Focus, Future Focus, Personnel, Revenues, Services offered, Choosing Vendors

Data Clearing: Length of time in Data Clearing, Partnering with Others, Vendor differentiation, Client numbers , GSMA Standards, Client Support, NRTRDE support, NRTRDE Performance, System availability, SLA for TAP FILES Policies, SLA Penalties, Diagnostic and reporting tools, Fault monitoring capabilities, TAP File processing timeframes, CDRs, Data Clearing Client Types, Client growth, TAP speeds, Customer Loyalty and Rewards, Pricing models, Additional Fees, Training Fees, Billing preferences, TAP file storage, The Future of Data Clearing Pricing, DCH Specialisation, LTE Data Clearing development, Local Break Out (LBO) support, S8HR support, VoLTE models, The future of DCH, Data Clearing Support for Wi-Fi Roaming, Data Clearing Vendor USP’s, How could Operators be better educated in Data Clearing, How can Operators help improve the Data Clearing process, Innovation: DCH Services, Data clearing key trends

Financial Clearing: Vendors Length of time in Financial clearing, Partnering with Others, Vendor differentiation, Vendor’s Financial Clearing Service names, GSMA Standards, EID Support, EID Improvements, Paper Invoices, Client Support Bad Debt, SLA for Bad Debt, Reporting Bad Debt, Financial Disputes, Financial Liability, Vendor Financial Clearing Services, Payment Time frames, Global Roaming Invoices, Financial Clearing Clients types, Client growth, Customer Loyalty and rewards, Pricing models, Additional Fees, GSMA Standard developments, Training Fees, Billing preferences, In-house Financial Clearing for MNO’s, Future Data Clearing pricing, FCH Services, FCH Specialisation, LTE Financial Clearing development, Wifi-roaming Support, What MNO’s need to know about Financial Clearing, Financial Clearing Improvements, Vendor Specialisation, Financial Clearing Innovation, Financial Clearing Trends

Annex A: Directory of Data and/or Financial Clearing Vendors 51
Annex B: Mobile Engagement Vendor Interview: Advanced Roaming & Clearing House, Comfone, Nextgen Clearing, Starhome Mach, Syniverse


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