As an extension to our Vendor Performance Reports. The ROCCO Brand Perception Tracker uses our Insight Community plus other MNOs to understand how Vendors are perceived in the market.



With MNO meetings normally via telephone, we ask a number of insightful questions on all Vendors in the market offering a specific service e.g. IPX to check the perception of a specific Vendor, helping that Vendor know how they are perceived against a number of agreed KPIs.

The Brand Perception is conducted with the MNOs with no perception of the specific Vendor behind the research, therefore data on all Brands are captured and reported. e.g. Which brand is fornt-of-mind for Innovation in IPX.

Vendors can make an annual or more frequent check of brand perception identifying if certain factors have influenced MNOs and had a positive or negative impact on brand perception:

  • Changes to brand or marketing have been noticed and how they are received e.g. Perceptions of Social Media Changes in company resources, management, office locations, new outsourcing or partnerships

  • Changes to company processes, tools or documentation

  • Changes to products and services

ROCCO has now conducted this research with 2 Vendors.