ROCCO’s value to the industry
ROCCO has been conducting research for over 5 years and the following explains the background to ROCCO RESEARCH.
- To provide rare strategic information on Industry Hot Topics and Vendors
- To provide a rating platform for assessment of vendors by Mobile Operators and Enterprises
- To support the community with innovation
ROCCO Research
Today we produce several kinds of report:
- Vendor Performance Reports – where MNOs or Enterprises rate Vendors on specific products and services e.g. A2P SMS, Steering of Roaming, Data Clearing, Sim Box Detection
- Market Intelligence Reports – Where we analyse the Vendors in the market and what they offer in terms of products and services, e.g. Messaging, IPX, QoS
- Strategy Reports – Where we work with Mobile Operators and vendors to assess a situation, trend or new business area e.g. eSIM, IoT Security
- Market Pricing Reports – Where we ask MNOs to give their view on the market price for Products and Services offered by Vendors e.g. IPX, Clearing
- Market Analysis Reports – Where we look into the business model for products and services and based on research and interviews we present what is happening in the market and what projections we see for the future e.g. Firewalls, IPX services
Our business model is that we do not take sponsors for our research. We conduct research independently offering a free Executive Summary of our findings to all the companies who took part in that research. We sell an extended version of the report called “Strategic Analysis” to any company who wishes to see our detailed analysis of the data we have uncovered.
ROCCO Rewards: Rewards for your loyalty
Starting today we are launching ROCCO Rewards. This is a loyalty scheme for Mobile Operators, to allow Mobile Operators to enjoy more access to our Strategic Analysis reports. Most of our reports seek to get opinions from Mobile Operators and we will shortly be expanding this to Enterprises too where relevant.
From today, every time a Mobile Operator takes part in one of our surveys they receive the Executive summary of that research report, but they will also receive 1 loyalty point. Loyalty points can be redeemed against Reports or discounts on Trainings.
See Research Projects to see what Surveys are open today. Each one just takes a few minutes.
- With 4 Loyalty Points (your company have completed 4 ROCCO surveys) we will send you any Vendor Performance or Strategy Report you would like normal Retail Price £880
- With 5 Loyalty Points (your company have completed 5 ROCCO surveys) we will send you any Market Intelligence Report you would like normal Retail Price £1320
- With 6 Loyalty Points (your company have completed 6 ROCCO surveys) we will send you any Market Pricing or Market Analysis Report you would like normal Retail Price £1760
To select a report just see our webpage Reports and write to us at to tell us which report you are looking for.
- Each Loyalty Point is worth 10% discount on our training programmes, up to a maximum of 50% discount. See Masterclasses
Terms and Conditions
- There’s no catches, we just value your participation in our research
- Mobile Operators are only to complete surveys that they have specialist knowledge about
- Loyalty Points work on a company basis so anyone from the company can complete a survey and the loyalty points can be used together to apply for the free report
- The report you receive is for distribution in your company only, i.e. a single use license. We will need you to agree on this in writing.
- We keep a record of all participation in our research so we already know if you are participating
- Remember we never disclose any companies participation in our reports, unless that party specifically asks us to.