Written by ROCCO C.E.O. Jason Bryan

At the end of the summer 2012 around this time of year exactly, I decided to start ROCCO and the idea came to me that what the roaming and interconnect industry needed was simple.

Hardly any company recorded their presentations or shared the valuable information they spoke about in conferences. Valuable insights into the direction of the whole industry were in fact constantly being lost. There was a kind of elitist class distinction between people who could attend conferences (usually by promising to make some deals or network with some client) and those which had to sit at home or in the office in what might be considered the darkness waiting for drips of information. In basic terms the whole industry (and not just part of it) needed to be informed in a simple and accessible way about what was happening.

Why key speeches or game-changing presentations were not shared on the GSMA infocentre is a mystery, it seems to me the only real way to bring about positive change or innovation was by 1) creating visibility of its benefits 2) Allowing more people to have access to the benefits the change might bring. But the efforts of our much beloved colleagues in the industry to generate innovation seemed at most to be something for the lucky few who had the chance to travel.

Cut to 2017 and now on the other side of this world. Communication is truly diversified. Video and multimedia has now emerged, even if its used more for selling and not always being used to provide information. Following these 5 years of research and reporting on Innovation, ROCCO has now started our schedule of “Radio” programmes which are not only interesting and fun to do, but unlike articles or infographics rarely get lost in the alphabet soup of information we all have for lunch.

We are starting our schedule simply with an episode of Chalk Talk about the great Roaming Regulation, but we are already recording some interesting new programmes which will be released in the next few weeks. Our shows are available on Soundcloud and shortly also on iTunes. Connect to our programmes with these applications and let your phone download our podcasts behind the scenes so when you’re traveling to one of your conferences, you can arrive, briefed and ready to start to appreciate some of the hot topics we’re discussing.

Incase your company has some innovation it wants to talk about, we would love to hear from you and maybe we can feature you in one of our shows. This is not a platform for sales pitches but rather more for people to explain the industry, how it works and how it could work better. Think educational and strategic insights. ROCCO has a ‘following’ these days of more than 35,000 contacts in the Roaming and Interconnect space who tune in to our website, read our reports or take part in our famous research. Help us inform the world what’s happening out there. Many thanks for your contributions.

Radio Programmes


Chalk Talk

Chalk Talk is a series of Podcasts about specific topics which our whole team will deliver. The purpose is learning and sharing of insights and information with a view to educating the industry like we do in our seminars.

Our first Chalk Talk episodes start today and are a series of 5 podcasts to be released in the next two weeks on the EU ROAMING REGULATION

The BIG Interview

Is a series of Interviews with some of our industries celebrities. We will interview vendors who succeeded to reach high results in our Vendor Performance surveys and research projects.


Key topics which arise, important research projects we conduct and other newsworthy insights will be shared in short programmes with guest speakers and industry